School Site Coordinating Council
Roles and Responsibilities of a School Site Council
The composition of the School Site Council is mandated by law. It achieves a balance in membership among parents, teachers, other school staff, community members, and students in the case of secondary schools. Middle schools are not required to include student members. Parents nominate and elect parent and community representatives; teachers elect teachers. The principal is always included as a voting member of the School Site Council.
The responsibilities of the School Site Council include:
- Analyzing and evaluating the academic achievement of students
- Developing and approving Single School Plan and all proposed expenditures by state and federal laws
- Recommend the Single School Plan and budget to the local governing board
- Monitor the implementation of the Single School Plan and expenditures
- Conduct an annual evaluation of progress towards Single School Plan goals
- Revise the Single School Plan as needed
- Participate in all local, state, and federal reviews of the school’s program for compliance and quality
For questions, please contact the Principal's office at (626) 471-2880