PTSA » MHS Parent Teacher Student Association

MHS Parent Teacher Student Association


MHS PTSA is a collaborative partnership between parents, guardians teachers, staff, and students.  Parents matter, students matter, and teachers matter!  PTSA is a collective voice that can be used to create lasting partnerships.  Everyone is invited to become involved and invested.  Please encourage family, friends, and community members to attend school events and activities.  Please invite 8th-grade students to explore and attend Monrovia High School.  Please consider getting involved by attending meetings, joining committees, or volunteering for one-time events to get informed, meet new people, and help our school.  Also, we encourage you to involve yourself with our teachers, staff, and other parents to show you care about our students’ education.   Invest - your time, talent, and treasure in the education of our students at Monrovia High School.  


PTSA memberships are our primary fundraising tool to support our school and teachers. You must renew your membership annually.


  • To join or renew your membership CLICK HERE
  • MHS PTSA meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the MHS library.  Please join us. We reserve the right to modify these dates as needed due to school or holiday schedules.
  • Review the PTSA by-laws HERE
For more information, send an email to [email protected]
Birthday Shout Out
Click Here to Access the Form - Birthday on the Marquee Form