Our School

It is the vision of the Monrovia High School community stakeholders to graduate students who are prepared to succeed in the 21st century and ready to make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others.
Monrovia High School is the only 9-12 comprehensive high school in the Monrovia Unified School District. Established in 1893, the present campus is located in an attractive environment of neo-Spanish architecture, green lawns, and hundred-year-old oak trees. It is nestled against the San Gabriel Mountains.
In 2006, the citizens of Monrovia approved a 45 million dollar bond exclusively for the high school. Major construction will transform the campus by adding a new science building with modern technology labs, a new gymnasium to support the physical education and sports programs, a new stadium and bleachers, and an overall campus renovation.
Monrovia High School has traditional six-period days supporting a rigorous academic program while allowing students to participate in electives. Six 60-minute periods encompass the school day.
The school's observatory has been renovated through school and private donations and is being used by the astronomy class and club. The new telescope, hardware, software, and renovation make the observatory a premiere astronomy site. Partnerships between JPL, Griffith Observatory, and Mead will strengthen the growth of this program.
MHS has one of the few accepted University of California "a-g" courses that combines science with career technical courses.
MHS adheres to the belief that as educators, it is our responsibility to create an environment and circumstance where all students can and will succeed. To that end, MHS offers a rigorous Advanced Placement and a proven AVID program.
MHS provides excellent co-curricular and extra-curricular programs for its students. The learning opportunities at MHS support and enhance students' efforts to be successful today and in the future.