Attendance » Attendance



Attendance Procedures (Clearing an Absence)

Each student has three school days to clear an all-day absence. If they fail to do so, the absence is classified as truancy according to state law. It is considered truant if the student is tardy over 30 minutes into the class. Truancies cannot be cleared, and make-up work/tests will not be given. Each student has one day to clear a single period of absence. For more information on tardy and truancy policies, see the Student Behavior Guidelines.


Medical Appointments

If parents need their student to leave school for an appointment or other pre-planned commitments, a phone call to the attendance clerk should be placed before the time the student leaves. When the parent arrives to pick up the student, the parent should report to the attendance office, and the student will be called from class. Upon returning from an appointment, the student should report to the attendance office before returning to class. If a student leaves school without getting clearance through the office, that student is marked truant.


Attendance Clerk Contact Info


For all 9th and 10th grade students:

  • TBD (626) 471- 2893 

For all 11th and 12th grade students: