Registration » Digital Confirmation Instructions

Digital Confirmation Instructions

Data Confirmation Online Instructions for Parents

General Parent Data Change Comment:
Welcome to the Student Data Confirmation Portal.
Follow the instructions on each tab below to confirm your student's data for registration. Click on the green "Confirm and Continue" button after reviewing and updating your student's data in each section. A blue check mark will appear to the left of each section name once that area has been confirmed.
Student Data Change Comment:
Please select the Change button at the bottom of the form to update your student's information.
Please use the same primary phone number and email address for every child if you have multiple children enrolled in Monrovia Schools. This will ensure your children's information will be linked to the same ParentSquare account.

Contact Data Change Comment:
Please update the Parent/Guardian contact information for your student. At least one parent/guardian must be listed; please indicate educational level.
Update or add additional emergency contacts whom you authorize to pick up your student.
Please ensure that each record is as complete as possible. Full contact names, including first and last names, relationship to your student, and a contact phone number, should be entered for all contacts.
Please use the same primary phone number and email address for every child if you have multiple children enrolled in Monrovia Schools. This will ensure your children's information will be linked to the same ParentSquare account.
Medical History Data Change Comment:
The Medical History lists the medical concerns, conditions, or medications currently on file for your student.
If the medical concern, condition, or medication no longer applies to your student, please click on the "No Longer Applies" button to the right of your student's medical history.
Please select any additional conditions and click "Save" to add a new record for your student. Additional information regarding the medical condition can be added in the comment field.

Authorizations Data Change Comment:
Please review the following items and indicate your choice for each.  Your response to these items takes the place of a signature on the forms available on the documents page.  Click "Save" once you have made your selections.
Documents Comment:
Please review the following documents. Indicate acknowledgment of each document where required.

Data Confirmation Comment:
Thank you for reviewing and updating your student's information. Please click the "Finish and Submit" button to complete the data confirmation process.